Sunday, December 16, 2012

Jesus Wept Friday

Jesus Wept Friday

Jesus wept Friday morning. He wept for the grandparents that lost grandchildren, parents that lost children, and brothers and sisters that lost siblings, children who lost parents and maybe became orphans, and husbands and wives who lost their lifemates.
Yes, Jesus wept for the loss of children and adults Friday morning, and then at 930am Eastern time, 28 more children and adults died in an elementary school in Connecticut as a result of a 20 year old gunman.
You see, before the 28 children and adults died in Ct. at 930am, over 1,000 children were already aborted in the U.S. that day, and thousands of children worldwide had already died of starvation, disease, and war. The tragedy in Ct. Friday morning shocked our country, but countless children had already died Thursday, the day before, and would die Sat., the day after, and die every day, and these deaths rarely even get our attention. And  Jesus weeps.
Since the shooting , there has been a resurrected outcry concerning the need for gun control. That is understandable, but countless children died in the 1300 years after Christ’s death before guns were invented, and countless died the thousands of years before Christ was born.  Less than 3 years after Jesus’ birth, all the male children in Judea were killed, not by guns, but by the sword under Herod’s decree.
Little is yet known about the 20 year old gunman in Ct., but the press will flood us with details of his life in the days to come. I do know this. He is part of the 2nd generation of Americans who have been taught:
-          that they have evolved from lower life forms rather than lovingly created in the image of God

-          that an unborn child is not known at conception by a God who loves it and has a plan and purpose for its life, but is simple a mass of tissue that can be disposed of if deemed inconvenient

-         That God and prayer have no place in the public arena, and anyone who disagrees is narrow minded and intolerant.

-         That God’s blueprint for marriage and family is subject to man’s redesign.

No, I didn’t know this young man, or the one at the theater in Aurora in July, or the ones at Columbine and Virginia Tech, but I do know they lived in a world of darkness, with a heart void of the Holy Spirit, and a mind lacking hope, direction, and real purpose.
And Jesus weeps.
How ironic that that there is such a call for prayer in the aftermath of the shooting for those families impacted, yet there are no public prayers allowed legally in the school where it happened.
People cry out that they do not understand how something like this can happen? How can such evil exist? Jeremiah 17:9 tells us: “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked, who can know it?” Gal. 6:7 tells us: “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked. For whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.”
We have a nation full of people like all people who have ever lived on the earth. Born in sin, with deceitful and wicked hearts, capable of doing things that are not understandable. Only through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit can hearts be transformed. We have a society that mocks and rejects God’s Holy Spirit. We have a society that has taught three generations of children that God’s spirit has no place in our society or our lives. We have sowed these seeds, and we are reaping that harvest. And Jesus weeps.

But why does Jesus weep? We really only read of Jesus crying in the Bible two times. He wept  at the grave of Lazurus,  not because Lazurus was dead but because Lazurus’ family and friends did not understand the hope Jesus brought. He wept over Jerusalem’s impending destruction by Rome, but not because people would die, but because they had rejected Him.  Jesus weeps over the lostness of man, and that is why he wept Friday morning at 930am over the events in Ct.. That is why he wept at the grave of Lazurus, and over the city of Jerusalem.
Matt. 10:28 says: “fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul; but rather fear him which is able to destroy both body and soul in hell”
Through Christ “Death is swallowed up in victory. O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?”
Yes, parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters, wives, husbands and a nation wept Friday. Jesus wept Friday and weeps every day over the lostness of man. During Advent we are reminded that man’s lostness is why He came, and why He gave His life for us.


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